In order to use our tool, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Company registration: first you need to register in our system. You will be asked to provide some basic information about your company, including its current engagement in environmental and circular economy programs. Once the registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the Circular Readiness Assessment Tool.
  2. CE Readiness Checklist: this is the core of the tool, a self-evaluation test that will ask you to rate several circular economy-related aspects of your company's value chain (design > sourcing > production > distribution/shipment > use > end use).

    The evaluation process has been developed around two concepts, Relevance (sometimes referred to as Materiality) and Maturity, which together guide the assessor in detecting the circular initiatives potentially most valuable for the Company.

    • Relevance: This indicator assesses how important each circular activity is for the industry in which the Company operates. This concept is highly dependent by the most severe environmental impacts attributed to the industry. This sort of assessment is performed by analyzing data and trends relating to the industry under evaluation and the circular initiatives of major brands operating in it; the assessor does not stop at reviewing what is currently apparent in the market, but also speculates about the future possibilities of environmentally-friendly solutions being tested but not yet implemented industry-wide.
    • Maturity: This indicator drills down at the Company level, asessing how well the circular activity under review has been implemented. Two broad categories of maturity indicators are used:
      • Percentage: the Company is assessed by considering the amount (%) of recycled products used as input materials, or circular water use, etc. The evidence-gathering process of this sort of indicators is mostly based on numerical data provided by the User.
      • Non-percentage: maturity is evaluated by considering a mix of inputs (numerical and non-numerical), but generally more qualitative in nature i.e. to what extent has the circular initiative been implemented (e.g. research stage, pilot, further investigation, widespread program), the results achieved and so on.
  3. Results View: The "Results" stage shows the outcome of the CE Readiness Checklist. The diagrams provide the user with a simple yet highly effective summary of the assessment, where the most relevant and suitable initiatives will appear large-sized and located in the upper section of the screen.